Your concerns and issues easily and quickly accommodated using your ticket creation function. The very few concerns and issues that are raised are always addressed rapidly by our technical team.
Prioritise the urgency of your ticket to prioritise your service ticket issue or concern.
Point our technical service team to the source of your service issue to assist a rapid and effective root cause analysis and corrective action if required.
ProActive BRC quality system has transformed Peak's ability to share it's BRC system with the workforce. It also ensures that we maintain and share documented risk controls enabling our team to complete their BRC related tasks in support of product quality/safety in a timely fashion. The actual BRC assessment process was painless using ProActive and a as a consequence and we are confident of further successes in performance and BRC Global conformity in the future.
Jon Wragg, General Manager at Peak Liquid Packaging
Your great ideas for software improvement where practical taken on board and included for use in future ProActive software updates.
Lessons learned habit that we picked up from ISO 9001 – potential design inputs where appropriate for future ProActive software updates.
Delivering a rapid response to service issues through a simplified Ticket Support System.