Proactive / Sectors / Consultancy
Quality Assurance in specialised HR and recruitment service sector is a vital requirement for achieving sustainable and repeat business. In recruitment we believe that there are two customers these being the candidate and the other being the client. Requirements for both naturally vary converging only at the point where the requirements of both are identified and matched through effective recruitment processes. HR services are similarly process driven often influenced by compliance requirements set out in local employment regulations covering subjects including contracts of employment, health and safety, payroll and trade union rights. Our ProActive HR and recruitment clients have achieved notable process improvements and performance improvements, this during a challenging period induced by both the pandemic and the impacts of the UK leaving the European Union.
ProActive compliance software users in this sector offer a comprehensive range of engineering services including simple beam design, structural surveys through to multi-million pound project design, structural surveys & inspections for residential, commercial and industrial properties/structures, design reports, certificates, structural calculations, CAD drawings, temporary works calculations, MEP service support design, structural glass design, calculations for architectural designs for stairs, walkways and balconies, primary and secondary structural steelwork design, detailing and modelling. Services covered for typical buildings and ancillary items, industrial plant including towers, gantries and silos. Vital to the construction sector ProActive clients in this consultancy sector successfully provide experienced multi-disciplinary consulting engineering services focussed on the critical requirements and needs of their clients.
ISO Management Systems help architectural practices to improve business efficiency, reduce waste and importantly as we become net zero focussed their environmental impacts. This is particularly important for the design of new and re furbished buildings.
Improving processes within the architectural practice engages and motivates the team promoting continual improvement. RIBA charted architectural practices are required to operate a formal QMS to enable the practice to demonstrate that it’s ability to deliver professional services required by clients. The practice QMS often follows the RIBA quality planning toolkit based on ISO 9001. If the practice is made up of over 51 people then it must ensure that its QMS is certified by an accredited third party certification body. ISO 9001 certification is usually a prerequisite when bidding for work. ProActive provides a first choice ISO compliance software tool on which to base any Architectural ISO management system.
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